Old Testament Survey

Old Testament Survey

1st Qtr. Final Exam – Due Monday, 11/12/18

Choose any 8 of the graphs that were handed out in the course of the lecture and describe each in 2 to 3 paragraphs. All work must be sent to the following emails by the 12th of November:

This is an “open note” test so please take your time.

Syllabus – 1st Quarter

  • Introduction to the Tanakh (The Law (tôrâh)), the Prophets (něvî’îm), and the Writings (kětûbîm).
  • Overview of Time-periods
  • Overview of Categories – Torah, the Prophets and the Writings (History and Wisdom). The Law begins in Genesis and ends with Chronicles. The Pentateuch – Five books of Moses, The Prophet the Former Prophets (Joshua to Kings) and the Latter Prophets (Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Isaiah followed by the Twelve). The Writings (including Poetry and Wisdom) Job, Ruth, the Psalms, Ecclesiastes, Proverbs, and Song of Solomon
  • Pentateuch – The Five Books
  • Prophets – Major and Minor
  • Writings – Former and Later
  • The Ages

Supplemental Reading:
(Be prepared to identify major time period of the OT)

Required Research Tools:
Strong’s Concordance or Computer Bible Program

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